Social MediaRory Vlach

Rory Vlach

Rory VlachRory Vlach
YouTuber | 10 years old

Rory Vlach is a American YouTuber from Minnesota, United States. Her real name is Rory Vlach. Rory is 10 years old and was born on October 9, 2013. Rory Vlach’s Life Path Number is 7 as per numerology.

Facts About Rory Vlach

⚡ Rory Vlach is 10 years old.
⚡ Rory was born in Generation Alpha.
⚡ Her next birthday is in .
⚡ Her real name is Rory Vlach.
⚡ She was born in Minnesota, United States.
Libra is Rory Vlach’s zodiac sign.
⚡ Her nationality is American.
Marigold is Rory Vlach’s birth flower.
⚡ Rory Vlach’s net worth comes from being a YouTuber.
Raven is Rory Vlach’s spirit animal.
⚡ She has children.
⚡ Rory Vlach has life path number 7.
Opal and Tourmaline is Rory Vlach’s birthstone.
⚡ Rory was born in the Year of the Serpent.
Venus is Rory Vlach’s ruling planet.
Pink is Rory Vlach’s power color.
⚡ Rory Vlach has been alive for .
⚡ Rory Vlach had at the very least relationships in the past.
Friday is Rory Vlach’s lucky day.

Below we'll take a look at what this all means, plus more interesting facts, stats, and things you didn’t know about Rory Vlach, including her lucky day, spirit animal, birthstone, power color, birth flower, and much more. ↓

About Rory Vlach

Youngest of three siblings featured on the highly popular YouTube channel SmellyBellyTV. The channel has earned over 1.3 million subscribers.

🎉 Date of Birth
October 9, 2013
🎈 Age
📍 Place of Birth
Minnesota, United States
Star Sign
🏁 Nationality
😐 Ethnicity
🐍 Zodiac Animal
🪨 Birthstone
Opal and Tourmaline
🌷 Birth Flower

Education: The education details are not available at this time.

Rory Vlach was born in the 2010s.

The decade of the 2010s was marked by technical innovation, social media, and political turmoil. The decade began with the release of the iPad and finished with the advent of 5G networks. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram became more prevalent, as did the usage of smartphones and other mobile devices. The sharing economy flourished over the decade, with businesses like Uber and Airbnb becoming household names.

In terms of culture, the 2010s saw the advent of streaming services like Netflix and Spotify as well as the birth of new music genres like EDM and trap. In addition, the decade saw the growth of the "influencer" culture, with people becoming renowned for their social media presence. The Arab Spring, the Brexit vote, and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States all contributed to political turmoil in the 2010s.

🎈 Rory Vlach is 10 years old

📅 Months
📆 Days

Here are more interesting statistics: Rory’s heart beat 462,182,400 times, using a heart rate of 80 beats per minute, and she took about 80,881,920 breaths since birth, using a resting breathing rate of 15 breaths per minute. Human blinks approximately 17 times each minute; therefore, Rory Vlach blinked around 98,213,760 times in a lifetime. You can learn more cool stats about this day, as well as your own birthday, at BirthdayMeaning.

Rory Vlach’s birthday countdown

Rory was also born in Generation Alpha

The generation of children born after 2010 is known as "Generation Alpha." This generation is recognized for being the first to grow up in a technological and digital media-driven society. They are the first generation to be born into a world dominated by smartphones, iPads, and social media. They are the first generation to be exposed to the internet and digital media at an early age.

Generation Alpha is also regarded as the most varied generation in history. They are the first generation to be born into a multicultural and globalized environment. They are the first generation to be exposed to other cultures, languages, and faiths at an early age. They are also the first to be born in a world where gender is flexible and accepted. They are the first generation to be exposed to many gender identities and expressions at an early age. Generation Alpha is an accepting and understanding generation. They are the first generation to be born into a world where diverse cultures, faiths, genders, and sexualities are accepted and understood.

She was barely one year old when her parents created the SmellyBellyTV YouTube channel.

📏 Height
Under review (Under review)
⚖️ Weight
Under review
💪 Body
Under review
👁️ Eye Color
💈 Hair Color
👟 Shoe Size
Not Available

Rory Vlach has a zodiac sign of Libra

Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, is renowned as the sign of harmony and balance. People born under this sign are recognized for their strong sense of justice, diplomatic and harmonious dispositions, and love of all things beautiful and harmonic. Libras are well-known for their diplomatic abilities, and they are frequently seen as peacemakers. They are quite skilled at seeing all sides of an issue and coming up with a solution that works for both. As a result, they are excellent negotiators and problem solvers.

Libras are also recognized for their appreciation of aesthetics and beauty. They see beauty in everything and seek to bring harmony into their own and others' lives. They have an unrivaled sense of style and an eye for detail. They value the better things in life, whether it's a work of art, new clothing, or a delicious meal. Libras are also well-known for having a strong sense of justice and fairness. They think that everyone should be treated fairly and given a fair chance. They are frequently seen as champions of the disadvantaged and are committed to fostering a more equitable society.

♎ Horoscope
🐍 Chinese Zodiac
♀ Ruling Planet
💨 Zodiac Element
🌌 Zodiac Quality

Rory Vlach’s zodiac animal is a Serpent 🐍

The Chinese zodiac's sixth animal, the serpent, is connected with knowledge, intellect, and elegance. People born in the Year of the Serpent are considered natural-born leaders due to their perseverance, ambition, and charm. They are also renowned for their extraordinary intellect, which enables them to think logically and make wise judgments.

Serpents are noted for their independence and self-sufficiency, yet they can also be gregarious when necessary. They are extremely creative and are often regarded as trend setters. They are renowned for being incredibly persuasive and are not hesitant to take chances. Even if they look calm and cool, they have an insatiable hunger for achievement, which helps them succeed in every effort they pursue. They are also considered to be faithful, loyal, and protective of those they love.

Rory’s ruling planet is Venus

Having Venus as the ruling planet of your sign means that you will have a strong connection with love, beauty, and harmony. You appreciate relationships and are extremely understanding and accepting of others. You may be more sensitive and romantic than other people because of your ruling planet. You like the better things in life and are possibly drawn to nature and beauty. You are likely to be highly creative, with interest in art, music, and beauty. You have a profound appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you in life and on the globe.
Power Color
⚖️ Spirit Animal
📅 Lucky Day
🧭 Lifepath

Rory Vlach’s spirit animal is Raven

The Raven spirit animal is a powerful emblem of magic and mystery, reminding us that the unknown holds great power and growth potential. It inspires us to search beyond the confines of our intellect, to delve into the depths of our souls, and to be open to new possibilities. The raven is a transformational symbol, reminding us that change is unavoidable and that we must embrace it with courage and fortitude. The Raven spirit animal helps us to be mindful and to view our lives with better clarity and perspective, thanks to its sharp intelligence and strength of observation. Its energy assists us in breaking free from old patterns, opening up to new possibilities, and making the most of each moment.

Rory Vlach has a life path number of 7

In numerology, Life Path 7 is a spiritual and analytical energy. People with this Life Path are frequently deep thinkers who are obsessed with discovering the truth and unraveling life's riddles. They have a deep connection to their intuition and a great desire to explore their inner world. People with Life Path 7 frequently want to build their own knowledge and interpretations of their surroundings. They are frequently seen as smart and self-sufficient individuals who are dedicated to comprehending the world's intricacies. They frequently have a distinct and often unconventional approach to life, as well as a strong desire to comprehend the unknown.

💰 Rory Vlach’s income & net worth

According to Forbes, Wikipedia, Business Insider, and other public sources, Rory Vlach‘s net worth is approximately 100,000 - $1M (100,000 - $1M).

💰 Net Worth 2024
100,000 - $1M
💵 Salary
💸 Income Source
🏎️ Cars
Information not available.
🪙 Investments
Data is being verified.

Rory Vlach’s wealth comes mostly from being a YouTuber, but because it is challenging to predict spending behaviors over time, net worth estimates fluctuate.

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Jimmy Grandir
Jimmy Grandir
Jimmy Grandir is a writer and content creator who specializes in all things celebrity and entertainment-related. He has an extensive background in covering Hollywood gossip and news and has written for various websites.