PoliticsEric Swalwell

Eric Swalwell

Eric SwalwellEric Swalwell
Politician | 43 years old

Eric Swalwell is a American Politician from United States. His real name is Eric Michael Swalwell Jr.. Eric is 43 years old and was born on November 16, 1980. Eric Swalwell’s Life Path Number is 9 as per numerology.

Since 2013, Eric Michael Swalwell, born on 16 November 1980, has been serving in the post of the US Representative of the 15th Congressional District of California. Eric, who is a member of the Democratic Party- one of the two major contemporary political parties in the USA, has his district covering a part of the central Contra Costa County and a significant part of the eastern Alameda County of California.

Facts About Eric Swalwell

⚡ Eric Swalwell is 43 years old.
⚡ Eric was born in Millennials Generation.
⚡ His next birthday is in .
⚡ His real name is Eric Michael Swalwell Jr..
⚡ He was born in United States.
Scorpio is Eric Swalwell’s zodiac sign.
⚡ His nationality is American.
Chrysanthemum is Eric Swalwell’s birth flower.
⚡ Eric Swalwell’s net worth comes from being a Politician.
Snake is Eric Swalwell’s spirit animal.
⚡ He has no children.
⚡ Eric Swalwell has life path number 9.
Topaz and Citrine is Eric Swalwell’s birthstone.
⚡ Eric was born in the Year of the Monkey.
Pluto is Eric Swalwell’s ruling planet.
Black is Eric Swalwell’s power color.
⚡ Eric Swalwell has been alive for .
⚡ Eric Swalwell had at the very least few relationships in the past.
Tuesday is Eric Swalwell’s lucky day.
⚡ Eric Swalwell is married to .

Below we'll take a look at what this all means, plus more interesting facts, stats, and things you didn’t know about Eric Swalwell, including his dating history, lucky day, spirit animal, birthstone, power color, birth flower, and much more. ↓

About Eric Swalwell

American politician who is known for having served as a US Representative from California’s 15th congressional district. He gained attention in 2019 when he announced his candidacy for the 2020 Presidential campaign as a member of the Democratic Party.

🎉 Date of Birth
November 16, 1980
🎈 Age
📍 Place of Birth
United States
Star Sign
🏁 Nationality
😐 Ethnicity
🐒 Zodiac Animal
❤️ Dating Status
🪨 Birthstone
Topaz and Citrine
🌷 Birth Flower

Education: The education details are not available at this time.

Eric Swalwell was born in the 1980s.

The 1980s were a time of considerable cultural change and advancement in many sectors. It was a period of rapid technical progress, with the arrival of the first personal computers, cellular phones, and video game consoles. It was also a period of significant political upheaval, with Ronald Reagan's election as President of the United States and the end of the Cold War.

The 1980s was a decade of excellent music, and popular culture, with the advent of new wave and punk rock, as well as the rise of hip hop. The Empire Strikes Back, The Shining, and Airplane! were all released. With the advent of punk and new wave fashion, as well as the popularization of the preppy appearance, fashion was also a large aspect of the culture.

🎈 Eric Swalwell is 43 years old

📅 Months
📆 Days

Here are more interesting statistics: Eric’s heart beat 1,835,136,000 times, using a heart rate of 80 beats per minute, and he took about 321,148,800 breaths since birth, using a resting breathing rate of 15 breaths per minute. Human blinks approximately 17 times each minute; therefore, Eric Swalwell blinked around 389,966,400 times in a lifetime. You can learn more fun facts about this day, as well as your own birthday, at BirthdayMeaning.

Eric Swalwell’s birthday countdown

Eric was also born in Millennials Generation

The Millennial Generation, often known as "Generation Y," was born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. This generation is regarded as the most educated and technologically sophisticated to date. Millennials are frequently portrayed as more welcoming of diversity and open-minded than prior generations. They are also noted for having a strong sense of social duty and a desire to make a positive difference in the world.

Millennials are also known for their fondness for technology and social media. They are the first generation to have grown up with the internet and social media, and they utilize these technologies to remain in touch with friends and family, as well as to keep up with current events. More millennials use internet for banking, shopping, investing, vs their previous generation. They grew up when this technology was developing and trust it more. Finally, Millennials are well-known for their entrepreneurial spirit and readiness to take chances in order to achieve their goals.

He attended Campbell University in North Carolina on a soccer scholarship. He transferred to the University of Maryland, College Park and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in government and politics. He then enrolled in the University of Maryland School of Law where he earned his Juris Doctor in 2006. After several internships, he was elected to Dublin City Council in 2010 before being elected to the House of Representatives in November of 2012.

📏 Height
6' 0" (1.83 m)
⚖️ Weight
194 lb
💪 Body
Under review
👁️ Eye Color
💈 Hair Color
👟 Shoe Size
Not Available

Eric Swalwell has a zodiac sign of Scorpio

Scorpio is a zodiac sign that is recognized for its ferocity and passion. Scorpio is the sun sign of those born between October 23 and November 22. Scorpios are persistent, daring, and passionate, and they will go to any length to achieve their goals. They are recognized for their determination, ambition, and loyalty, and they are frequently seen as formidable forces to be reckoned with.

Scorpios are very perceptive and frequently make judgments based on their intuition. They are also noted for their analytical abilities and for seeing through people and circumstances. They might be quite perceptive and pay great attention to detail. Scorpios are also loyal and committed to the people they care about, and they may be very protective. They are frequently perceived as mysterious and may be rather secretive. They are not hesitant to communicate their emotions, yet they are frequently perceived as reserved and difficult to read.

♏ Horoscope
🐒 Chinese Zodiac
♇ Ruling Planet
🌊 Zodiac Element
🌌 Zodiac Quality

Eric Swalwell’s zodiac animal is a Monkey 🐒

The Year of the Monkey is one of the twelve-year animal cycles shown in the Chinese zodiac. People born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be clever, quick-witted, and inquisitive. People born in the Year of the Monkey are thought to be determined, independent thinkers who enjoy taking chances and coming up with imaginative solutions to challenges.

Monkeys are inquisitive creatures that can be rather naughty when they don't get their way. They are also known to be highly competitive and motivated when it comes to accomplishing their objectives. People born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be versatile and capable of adapting to changing circumstances. They are also known to be highly gregarious and enjoy being in the company of others. People born in the Year of the Monkey are also said to be excellent problem solvers. They are also regarded as being extremely perceptive and capable of swiftly reading people and circumstances.

People born in the Year of the Monkey have a fantastic sense of humor and can be extremely amusing. They are also recognized for their ambition and determination. Monkeys are also considered to be extremely devoted and protective of their friends and family. People born in the Year of the Monkey are regarded as being very diligent and are sometimes observed working on many tasks at the same time. They are also said to be very good time managers and to flourish in their chosen jobs.

Eric’s ruling planet is Pluto

Having Pluto as the ruling planet of your sign means that you are deeply contemplative, passionate and intense. People born with Pluto as their ruling planet are frequently highly perceptive and sensitive to even the most subtle forces around them. They're also noted for their resourcefulness and resilience, with the ability to dig deep and discover strength when needed. They are drawn to investigating difficult themes and thoughts because they have a profound awareness of the dark side of existence. People born under the sign of Pluto are frequently seen as mysterious, as they like to keep their innermost thoughts and feelings hidden from the outside world.
Power Color
⚖️ Spirit Animal
📅 Lucky Day
🧭 Lifepath

Eric Swalwell’s spirit animal is Snake

The snake is a spirit animal that represents transformation, rejuvenation, and healing. Those who have the snake as their spirit animal are knowledgeable, perceptive, and have a strong connection to nature. They can see beyond the surface of things and gain a deeper grasp of the spiritual realm. They can be mysterious and appear to glide effortlessly between the earthly and spiritual realms. They are extremely sensitive and frequently rely on their own power to pursue their own spiritual path. People who have this spirit animal are frequently inclined to meditation, divination, and other spiritual disciplines. They are also highly adaptive and can easily navigate life's changes.

Eric Swalwell has a life path number of 9

Life Path 9 is a highly caring and giving number, and those who have it are frequently very generous and understanding. They are "big picture" thinkers, capable of seeing the world from a global perspective. They are frequently artistic and creative, and they frequently have a deep and comprehensive grasp of the world and its people. They can be exceptional problem solvers and frequently come up with answers that others may not have considered. They frequently think outside the box and aren't hesitant to take chances in order to solve a problem. People with a life path number nine are frequently very spiritual and intuitive, with a strong sense of justice and morality. They frequently use their high level of empathy and compassion to assist others, and they are frequently highly successful in their chosen sector. However, they may be prone to taking on too many initiatives at once.

❤️‍🔥 Eric Swalwell’s dating & relationship status

Every year, a wave of high-profile partnerships emerges, with well-known personalities from the entertainment sector embarking on romances with the potential to captivate fans worldwide. From politicians to entertainment industry heavyweights, there always seems to be something fascinating in celebrity love affairs. Like most celebrities, Eric Swalwell likes to his keep personal and romantic life private. Here is everything we know about Eric Swalwell, including his romances, dating past, and exes.

Eric Swalwell is married to .

Not all is known about Eric Swalwell’s past relationships and partners. While it’s usually simple to find out who Eric is dating, tracking all his hookups, flings, and breakups is harder.

The accuracy of the information surrounding Eric Swalwell’s romantic partners is not 100% certain. To ensure that the details are accurate, we cross-reference multiple online, such as DatingRumor, and other publicly available data. This dating information was updated in June 2024. Please email us if you have new details about who Eric Swalwell is dating today. Check back often because we will keep adding recent relationship news and rumors to this page.

💰 Eric Swalwell’s income & net worth

According to Forbes, Wikipedia, Business Insider, and other public sources, Eric Swalwell‘s net worth is approximately $2,000,000 (£1,620,000).

💰 Net Worth 2024
💵 Salary
💸 Income Source
🏎️ Cars
Information not available.
🪙 Investments
Data is being verified.

Eric Swalwell’s wealth comes mostly from being a Politician, but because it is challenging to predict spending behaviors over time, net worth estimates fluctuate.

Return frequently, as we will update this page with the most recent dating news, rumors, and gossip. Please provide any fresh dating updates to help us keep this page up-to-date. Please contact us if you see any issues, have tips or want to remove your profile.

Ava Bethista
Ava Bethistahttps://celebfaq.com
Ava is an author at CelebFAQ. She has a passion for finding the latest and greatest news in the celebrity and entertainment worlds and loves to share it with her readers.