FoodAlton Brown

Alton Brown

Alton BrownAlton Brown
Chef | 61 years old

Alton Brown is a American Chef from Los Angeles, California, USA. His real name is Alton Crawford Brown. Alton is 61 years old and was born on July 30, 1962. Alton Brown’s Life Path Number is 1 as per numerology.

Alton Brown is a well-known television personality from America who is also a musician, cinematographer, food show presenter, actor, and author. He is best known to be the host and creator of the show ‘Good Eats’ on the Food Network. Brown has also hosted several other shows like ‘Feasting on Waves’, ‘Iron Chef America’, ‘Feasting on Asphalt’, and ‘Cutthroat Kitchen’.

Facts About Alton Brown

⚡ Alton Brown is 61 years old.
⚡ Alton was born in Baby Boomers Generation.
⚡ His next birthday is in .
⚡ His real name is Alton Crawford Brown.
⚡ He was born in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Leo is Alton Brown’s zodiac sign.
⚡ His nationality is American.
Larkspur is Alton Brown’s birth flower.
⚡ Alton Brown’s net worth comes from being a Chef.
Salmon is Alton Brown’s spirit animal.
⚡ He has 1 children.
⚡ Alton Brown has life path number 1.
Ruby is Alton Brown’s birthstone.
⚡ Alton was born in the Year of the Tiger.
Sun is Alton Brown’s ruling planet.
Orange is Alton Brown’s power color.
⚡ Alton Brown has been alive for .
⚡ Alton Brown had at the very least 2 relationships in the past.
Sunday is Alton Brown’s lucky day.
⚡ Alton Brown is married to Elizabeth Ingram.

Below we'll take a look at what this all means, plus more interesting facts, stats, and things you didn’t know about Alton Brown, including his dating history, lucky day, spirit animal, birthstone, power color, birth flower, and much more. ↓

About Alton Brown

Alton Crawford Brown is an American television personality, food show presenter, author, actor, and cinematographer. He is the creator and host of the Food Network television show Good Eats, host of the mini-series Feasting on Asphalt and Feasting on Waves, and host and main commentator on Iron Chef America and Cutthroat Kitchen. Brown is also the author of several books on cookery.

Celebrity chef who created the Food Network’s program Good Eats and hosted Iron Chef America. He also produced the miniseries Feasting on Waves and Feasting on Asphalt and in 2013 he began hosting the competition Cutthroat Kitchen.

🎉 Date of Birth
July 30, 1962
🎈 Age
📍 Place of Birth
Los Angeles, California, USA
Star Sign
🏁 Nationality
😐 Ethnicity
🐅 Zodiac Animal
❤️ Dating Status
🪨 Birthstone
🌷 Birth Flower

Education: Alton Crawford Brown attended Lithonia High School, Lithonia, GA and University of Georgia, New England Culinary Institute, Montpelier, VT (1997), LaGrange College.

Alton Brown was born in the 1960s.

The 1960s were a decade of enormous social and political change, with the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, and the advent of the counterculture all having a significant impact on the decade's culture. With the debuts of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and other British Invasion bands, as well as the rise of Motown and the creation of psychedelic rock, the 1960s were also a time of considerable musical innovation. The hippie movement, with its focus on peace, love, and freedom, also emerged in the 1960s.

The 1960s witnessed the rise of the television sitcom, with series like The Andy Griffith Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show, and The Beverly Hillbillies becoming instant classics. Movies like The Sound of Music, The Graduate, and Easy Rider were classics of the era. The 1960s saw the emergence of the superhero genre with the release of Marvel's The Fantastic Four and the introduction of Batman in the 1966 film. With the premiere of Dr. No in 1962, the decade also witnessed the start of the James Bond series.

🎈 Alton Brown is 61 years old

📅 Months
📆 Days

Here are more interesting statistics: Alton’s heart beat 2,604,787,200 times, using a heart rate of 80 beats per minute, and he took about 455,837,760 breaths since birth, using a resting breathing rate of 15 breaths per minute. Human blinks approximately 17 times each minute; therefore, Alton Brown blinked around 553,517,280 times in a lifetime. You can learn more interesting facts about this day, as well as your own birthday, at BirthdayMeaning.

Alton Brown’s birthday countdown

Alton was also born in Baby Boomers Generation

The Baby Boomers' Generation refers to those born between 1946 and 1964. This generation is regarded as the largest and most impactful in American history. They are commonly referred to as the "Me Generation" due to their emphasis on individualism and self-actualization.

Baby boomers are noted for their strong work ethic and dedication to their families. They are sometimes credited with establishing the current American economy since they were the first generation to benefit from the postwar economic boom. They are also recognized for establishing contemporary American society, as they were the first generation to see the civil rights, women's liberation, and sexual revolution movements. They are also recognized for inventing the contemporary American way of life, as they were the first generation to see the emergence of consumerism and the rise of the middle class. Baby boomers are also noted for their dedication to social concerns, having been the first generation to see the environmental and anti-war movements.

He graduated from the New England Culinary Institute in 1997.

📏 Height
5' 11" (1.80 m)
⚖️ Weight
154 lb
💪 Body
👁️ Eye Color
💈 Hair Color
Light Brown
👟 Shoe Size

Alton Brown has a zodiac sign of Leo

The lion represents the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo. They are well-known for their gregarious and self-assured attitudes, as well as their natural leadership abilities. Leos are said to be extremely devoted, giving, and ambitious. They have a strong sense of self-worth and are very protective of their loved ones. They are also incredibly creative people who like expressing themselves through art, music, and other forms of expression.

The sun rules Leo, giving them strong leadership characteristics and a desire to be the center of attention. They are usually quite active and like being in the spotlight. Because Leo is a fire sign, they are passionate and determined. They are also exceedingly giving, frequently putting their own needs aside to assist those around them. They are natural-born leaders with a strong sense of justice, and they are typically extremely adept at motivating and encouraging others. Leos are also extremely forgiving and eager to give others a second chance. They are frequently exceedingly protective of individuals they care about and will go to any length to ensure their safety.

♌ Horoscope
🐅 Chinese Zodiac
☉ Ruling Planet
🔥 Zodiac Element
🌌 Zodiac Quality

Alton Brown’s zodiac animal is a Tiger 🐅

The Chinese zodiac consists of 12 animals, each with its own distinct qualities and attributes. The tiger is the third animal in the Chinese zodiac, and people born in the Year of the Tiger are believed to be courageous, self-assured, and self-sufficient.

Tigers are renowned for being strong-willed and fiercely independent creatures who live by their own set of laws. They are frequently seen as natural leaders who flourish when challenged with adversity. Tigers are ambitious and will work hard to achieve their objectives. They are not hesitant to take chances, and they frequently succeed in difficult situations.

Tigers, on the other hand, may be highly tenacious and determined, leading them to be too ambitious and take on too much at once. They are also highly emotional and sensitive, and they are often hurt by criticism. Although they look bold, tigers are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and the people around them.

Those born in the Tiger Year are natural-born leaders who thrive on difficulties. They are self-sufficient, confident, and ambitious. They can be obstinate and too ambitious at times, but they are also extremely sensitive and emotional. Tigers, with their strong will and tenacity, may achieve great success in any scenario.

Alton’s ruling planet is Sun

Having Sun as a ruling planet of your sign means that you have a strong connection to the energy of the Sun. The Sun is connected with brightness, warmth, courage, and vitality, and the energy it represents will be reflected in your personality. You will most likely be active, inventive, and self-assured, and you may be drawn to pursuits that require bravery and strength. You may be naturally optimistic and see the silver lining in most situations. You may be inclined to leadership positions and be adept at motivating and encouraging people.
Power Color
⚖️ Spirit Animal
📅 Lucky Day
🧭 Lifepath

Alton Brown’s spirit animal is Salmon

The Salmon spirit animal is related to the ability to go with the flow and understand life's cycles. The Salmon represents perseverance and never giving up in the face of adversity. Those with the Salmon as their spirit animal are frequently determined, resilient, and courageous, persevering despite all circumstances to reach their goal. They are known for their endurance and are frequently regarded as intelligent and insightful. They are frequently patient and confident in their talents. Even in the face of difficulty, the Salmon reminds us to trust our intuition and have faith in our decisions.

Alton Brown has a life path number of 1

Life Path 1 in Numerology is a representation of an individual's life journey. People with a Life Path 1 are goal-oriented, self-sufficient, and highly motivated. They are natural-born leaders with strong opinions. They frequently take the initiative in any circumstance and strive to be the best. They are generally effective at accomplishing their goals because of their ambition. People on the Life Path 1 have a lot of energy, an enterprising spirit, and a strong will to succeed. They are frequently perceived as ambitious and assertive, yet they also have a caring side. They can be convincing, but they also have a strong sense of fairness. They are determined to develop something unique and are continually on the lookout for fresh opportunities.

❤️‍🔥 Alton Brown’s dating & relationship status

Every year, a wave of high-profile partnerships emerges, with well-known personalities from the entertainment sector embarking on romances with the potential to captivate fans worldwide. From chefs to music industry heavyweights, there always seems to be something fascinating in celebrity love affairs. Like most celebrities, Alton Brown likes to his keep personal and romantic life private. Here is everything we know about Alton Brown, including his romances, dating past, and exes.

Alton Brown is married to Elizabeth Ingram.

Not all is known about Alton Brown’s past relationships and partners. While it’s usually simple to find out who Alton is dating, tracking all his hookups, flings, and breakups is harder.

The accuracy of the information surrounding Alton Brown’s romantic partners is not 100% certain. To ensure that the details are accurate, we cross-reference multiple online, such as DatingRumor, and other publicly available data. This dating information was updated in June 2024. Please email us if you have new details about who Alton Brown is dating today. Check back often because we will keep adding recent relationship news and rumors to this page.

💰 Alton Brown’s income & net worth

According to Forbes, Wikipedia, Business Insider, and other public sources, Alton Brown‘s net worth is approximately $14,000,000 (£11,340,000).

💰 Net Worth 2024
💵 Salary
💸 Income Source
🏎️ Cars
Information not available.
🪙 Investments
Data is being verified.

Alton Brown’s wealth comes mostly from being a Chef, but because it is challenging to predict spending behaviors over time, net worth estimates fluctuate.

Return frequently, as we will update this page with the most recent dating news, rumors, and gossip. Please provide any fresh dating updates to help us keep this page up-to-date. Please contact us if you see any issues, have tips or want to remove your profile.

Ava Bethista
Ava Bethista
Ava is an author at CelebFAQ. She has a passion for finding the latest and greatest news in the celebrity and entertainment worlds and loves to share it with her readers.